Privacy Policy and Data Policy

Company Information:
All Time Favorites Inc. is the owner and parent company of this website.
Mailing Address: PO BOX 201325, Minneapolis, MN 55420
Phone: 651-454-1124
For additional contact information, please visit

Privacy Commitment:

All Time Favorites Inc. respects your privacy and is committed to protecting your personal information. This Privacy Policy explains how we collect, use, and safeguard information on our website.

How We Market to You

We may contact you via email, phone, or regular mail to provide services related to your requests on our website or vendor account. Our communication is professional and personalized. See FAQ and contact us pages at

How We Protect Your Personal Information

This Privacy Policy applies solely to our U.S. customers, visitors, and vendors.

Information We Collect and How We Use It

When you browse our site, you remain anonymous unless you choose to submit personal information through one of our registration forms. This information helps us tailor your experience based on your needs, such as the type of event you are planning. Some information may be shared with vendors to demonstrate the effectiveness of their advertising and improve the service we provide.

How We Use Your Email Address

  1. Communication: To provide updates, offers, and special promotions related to your initial sign-up or business activities.
  2. Newsletters: To keep you informed about our services.
  3. Third-Party Information: Only sent if you opt-in. We do not automatically share your contact information with third parties unless required for event-related and vendor interaction purposes for your event or marketing/vendor account.
  4. Service Notifications: To inform you of important account-related updates.
  5. Marketing: We may feature the company names of corporate or commercial organizations that use our site in our marketing materials, but personal contact information is not shared without explicit permission. For consumers, we may display your first name, event details, and city/state to demonstrate our active user base without sharing direct contact details.

You can opt-out of receiving emails at any time by managing your event through the links provided in our emails, or by contacting us via our website.

Event Request Form

When you submit an event request form, we share your email address, phone number, and address, along with any other information you provide, with vendors offering relevant services in your specified location. We limit the number of vendors per category to prevent excessive communications. While we encourage vendors to secure your information, we cannot guarantee its security once it leaves our system.

You can opt-out of receiving additional emails by using the “Event Manager” link sent to you or by contacting us via our website, though this process may take 2-4 weeks.

Vendor Information

If you are a vendor on our system, we may share your contact details with third parties offering related products or services. You can opt-out at any time by logging into your account.

When we send emails, we may identify whether your email supports HTML to deliver graphic-rich content. Emails may include "clear GIFs" to measure the effectiveness of our communications. These GIFs do not collect personally identifiable information.

Children Under 18

We do not knowingly solicit or market to children under 18 years old.

Opt-out requests may take up to 30 days to process. We are not responsible for outdated information that remains in search engine databases.

For more information or further inquiries, please contact us at